Short Bio

Paula Lifschitz was born in 1976 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in the history of art from the University of Pennsylvania. Lifschitz has been included in several exhibitions in Texas, New York, California, Argentina, and England, including “Paintings”, a solo exhibition at Agora Gallery in New York City, New York. Lifschitz has had her artwork shown in several publications, both online and print. Her work is in the homes and business of several art collectors around the world, including the United States, Argentina, Dubai, Australia, and Poland. Lifschitz lives and works in Houston, Texas, her hometown despite many adventures traveling and living abroad.

Resume / CV


Houston, TX
1998    University of Pennsylvania, Bachelor of Arts, Philadelphia, PA
2017    Solo Show, Artifact Gallery, New York, NY2016    Solo Show, Pizza Piola Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina2015    Masters of the Imagination: Latin American Fine Art, Agora Gallery, New York, NY
2022    Just Ink, Hardy & Nance Studios, Houston, TX

2022   Open Studios, Independence Heights Studios, Houston, TX

2022  10 x 10 Show, Hardy & Nance Studios, Houston, TX

2021  Study of the Self, Hardy & Nance Studios, Houston, TX

2020 10 x 10 Show, Hardy & Nance Studios, Houston, TX

2019  Open Studios, Aurora Studios, Houston, TX

2018  Chocolate and Art Pop Up Show, SomArts, San Francisco, CA

2018  University of Pennsylvania Alumni Art Show, Burrison Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

2016 Viaje Inaugural, Cazadores de Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2015  Masters of Imagination: Latin American Fine Art Exhibition, Agora Gallery, NY, NY

2013  Mixturas, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2013  Panorama, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina


2017    UPenn Alumni Newsletter, Spring 2017, page 33,

2015   YouTube Video of opening at Agora Gallery,

2015    Artist blurb, Aesthetica Magazine, June, 2015

2015    Zacharias, Maria Paula, “Colmenas de artistas, donde crece la cultura de la  generosidad”, Diario de Cultura, La Nacion, January 20, 2015

2014   Lifschitz, Paula, “Buenos Aires art scene”, ArtisSpectrum, Fall 2014